Moola Guide by MoolaMaster

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Okay, I'm assuming everyone knows what Moola is, right? Basically the concept is that you start with a penny and work up to a million dollars by playing games of strategy and luck. Now most of the games have a 70% luck portion compared to a 30% strategy portion, except for Ro-Sham-Bo-Fu which is 100% luck. So in order to be able to have a higher chance of winning these games, you're going to follow this guide, because this guide is not only proven to have worked, but it was also written by MoolaMaster, who has made over $50 on Moola in a single day.

In this guide, he'll give you the basic ideas to get you going on these games, if you want to read the full detailed guide with various strategies and strategy planning, you can contact me at and ask for it, it'll only cost you $5 through PayPal. Now, on with the guide.


Objective - Reach the end of the line successfully before the other player does.

Overview: Each deck starts out with 42 cards and the first card played is always a two. So if think about a standard 52-card deck, there's four of each kind of suit; Spades, Clubs, Hearts and Diamonds. So we can assume that there are still 4 cards of each suit. There are 4 two's, 4 three's, 4 four's, 4 five's, 4 six's, 4 seven's, 4 eight's, 4 nine's, 4 ten's, 4 jack's, 4 queen's, 4 king's and 4 ace's. That adds up to 52 cards, but our deck only has 42 cards. What Moola has done is they've increased the number of cards in each suit, so instead of using only 3 suits to count 39 cards, they have 4 of each card except for Aces, ten's, Jacks, Queens and Kings.

So we know that there are 32 cards that we know that involve only numbers, except for tens, becausse 4 x 8 =32. How did we get that number you ask? Simple. Take the number of each 2's, 3's, 4's, 5's, 6's, 7's, 8's and 9's you have and multiply by 8 (8 is how many different types of cards we have). So that leaves us with 42 -32 = 10, 10 cards. If you examine the the last 5 types of cards we're missing, well you'll notice that there are 5 types of cards missing. So if you take 10 and divide by 5, we can evenly distribute 2 of each kind of card (Tens, Aces, Jacks, Queens and Kings). That gives us an even 42 cards, considering there are 100% no jokers.

So that's the beginning of the guide, as you can see the overview itself is simple math, but the logic involved is somewhat hard, but critical to understand when playing Hi-Low. If you want to see the rest of the guide with full strategies and detailed specifications for each game on Moola, contact me at I hope you enjoyed reading and keep on playing Moola!


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