Some Games I Enjoy...
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
In the past few years, I have played many different games, mostly first-person shooters and MMORPG's. Some of the ones that I actually kept installed are Crossfire, AssaultCube, GunZ, Soldier Front, and Earth Elemental. AssaultCube is a fast paced shooter like Quake 3, it is based on the original Cube game engine. Crossfire is a game by Z8 Games. It is military shooter with many guns that are bought using GP and ZP. (ZP you can buy through bank transfers) GunZ is also a fast paced third-person shooter which has many...'guns'. Poor pun. Anyways, most people know about GunZ already, so I won't go into details about it too much. If you haven't heard of it, visit for more information. Soldier Front is also a game by ijji. It is a tactical military first person shooter. There are over hundreds of weapons, including knives, grenades and AK-47's. Earth Elemental is a free-to-play 3D browser based MMORPG. I am not sure about PVP as of right now in Earth Elemental. EE is a great game, the plugin takes only a few seconds to install and runs great on even the worst computer. If you get an error in Vista or XP while trying to run the game from your browser, it means there was an error with one of the plugins.
Download this file:
Extract it, and copy it into your Sparkplay Plugin folder. The default place of the where the folder is, is --> My Documents/Sparkplay/.
Just copy and paste it in there. Go to start, programs and launch Earth Elemental from there. It should work 100%. That is what I did to get it working. Most errors for EE are on Vista, though. As a bonus for reading this post, here is a link-list to dl World of Warcraft. The links are 100%
working. Download Here -->
Thanks for reading and enjoy! Btw, for the top WoW private servers, here is another link. -->
There are errors in the game, and Crossfire modes Res.
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