How To: Write A Good Story

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Many people enjoy telling tales of adventure, horror and other exciting genres that keep the reader or listener want to keep reading more and more. To actually create a good story, you need some basic story elements first. The most obvious story elements you may have heard of are; characters, setting, plot, etc. You need all of those, but you need to go in depth within each of those three categories. For instance, characters; You need the name of the character, define his/her personality traits, what he/she looks like! Making a character is somewhat easy and also very fun, too. You've got to step inside the character's shoes and imagine what they would say according to their personality and their looks. An example, a very fat kid who eats a lot, could say he is hungry while he is constantly eating chocolate. Another would be, a muscular guy, who thinks he is very cool, could say good comments about himself constantly. Remember, the character's looks and traits should match. You cannot have a skinny kid who is fat. That wouldn't make any sense. If the skinny kid says he is hungry, why doesn't he just eat? That is a terrible character.

The next required element is the setting, time period, place, etc. Setting can be one of the most easiest to think about. Some examples, are Canada, 2005 or Germany, WWII time period. The settings can explain where the character lives and maybe the setting can be changed throughout the story. For example, Chronicles Of Narnia, C.S Lewis, switches between the normal World and Narnia, because Narnia is part of the main plot line.

The last element is the plot. This is usually divided into three different parts, beginning, middle and end. The beginning can explain the following; who are the protaginists (hero) and antagonists (evil character). What leads to the main problem that the protaginist must solve. The middle is where the hero would face the problem head-on and mostly be struggling to fix it. The ending is where either the Hero ends the conflict or maybe, if you wan't a bad ending, where the Hero dies. The ending, can be a very huge twist or just a normal ending like any other. Endings can hugely impact the whole story just by killing a character or maybe explaining that a new conflict has been created after the ending of the first conflict. The ending is all up to you, just like everything else in the story you make. Good luck in creating a jaw dropping story!

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