10 Ways To Drive More Traffic To Your Site/Blog
Friday, April 3, 2009
Here are 10 exclusive ways to drive more traffic to your website or blog;
1. Make A Video On Youtube! Nothing will advertise better than making a video about your blog on YouTube!
2. Tell Your Friends! Tell everyone you know about your blog, so that everyone can read it!
3. Do A Link Exchange Program! There are tons of Link Exchange Programs, you trade links with someone else which means you advertise them and they advertise you!
4. Sign Up On Forums! Tell people about your blog through the power of forums, such as CreateBlog.com!
5. Comment On Other People's Blog! If you comment and tell someone about your blog on someone elses blog, they'll read your comment and visit your blog!
6. Make An Interesting Poll! Make a poll which will leave people sweating to decide what option to choose!
7. Tell Em' A Story! Nothing is more refreshing than to hear an old tale that keeps people's ears wide open!
8. Make Up A Tutorial! Teach people something that is unique and common but most people don't know how to do but want to learn.
9. Mix Up Your Blog's Layout! Keep your readers interested by changing the look of your Blog now and then!
10. Make up 10 Ways To Do Something! Create a list of 10 things someone can do for their blog!
I hope this list has helped you in 10 different ways! Keep reading and thanks for reading!!!
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