How To: Play Neo Geo!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Hello everyone, this is a How-To about how to play Neo Geo games on your PC. Although I cannot provide you with direct links, I will just say one thing: Use Google! So, let's get started!
You will need a computer with at least 64mb RAM, because Neo Geo Console runs at 64mb RAM. First, you will need to get the NeoRageX emulator. You can google their site, google search 'neoragex emulator download', and it should come up. Next, you need the BIOS file, the BIOS file is needed so it can load all the roms, without the BIOS, you can't load the system. For the BIOS, search Romnation or Romhustler. You do NOT need to unzip the BIOS file, keep it zipped and just drag and drop it into where the neoragex.exe is located. Now, you need the ROM files. The ROM files came onto the computer, when someone took the time to rip them off of their original cartridges. For the ROM files, check CoolRom. After you have downloaded your ROM file, drag and drop it into the ROMS folder. If there isn't a ROMS folder, right click on the window, select New, then click Folder. Name it 'ROMS' and press Enter. Drag it in and double click neoragex.exe. A navy blue screen should come up in full screen view. The wall paper of the emulator might be different depending on which version of NeoRageX you downloaded. Click the 'Import' button and look down to where it says, 1 Rom(s) found. When it says that, it means you have successfully found a working copy of that game. Next, use the sidebar at the left to locate your game name and click on it. Then click the 'Launch' button. You can change the default controls of course, just click Controls, Keyboard Setup and configure it to your liking. You can use joypads, I have used them before and they work perfectly. You can turn on AutoFire for P1 or P2, player 1 or player 2 or both. To turn it on click controls, player controls and then click the arrow to turn on autofire. AutoFire is useful for shooting games such as Metal Slug and Sonic Wings. If you are new to Neo Geo Arcade System, I'll list some games for it that you might like.
Metal Slug Series - MUST HAVE for Neo Geo, a great side scrolling shooting game that you can play over and over again for a looooong time. The graphics are great, many people don't like them, I don't understand why. There are different guns you can get from PoW, prisoners of war. Some famous ones that you might have heard of are, heavy machine gun, flame shot and shot gun.
Sonic Wings 1,2,3 - Vertical scrolling jet shooter game. You control a jet that is going vertically up and many different patterns of enemy ships come at you firing all kinds of missiles and bombs. There are a variety of weapons including homing missiles and quad shooter. Great series, and not too difficult to finish.
Art Of Fighting 2 - The Art of Fighting series is a good fighting game, nice graphics and large characters that are easy to see on the screen. There are 3 Art Of Fighting games, but the 2nd one is the best one. Although the choice of characters could have been better.
Breakers & Breakers Revenge - One of my personal favorites, a 2D fighting game with cool characters. There aren't many characters to choose from but, the quality of each character, (moves and such) make it worth to practise and play with one particular character. There are 2-3 special moves for each character and the animations are detailed. Great game to play, if it is your first SNK fighting game.
Super Dodgeball - Many people do not enjoy this game, but there is more to it then meets the eye. Super Dodgeball, as the name suggests, is a dodgeball game. You can choose from 7 different teams and the leaders of each team are very well made. You can charge up your character's power bar to do a group special move or lone special move. The special move animations for this one are really well made too. One thing that I don't like is that some of the teams have the same team members. One team has a fat guy and the other team also has an identical fat guy, but the color of his pants is just changed. Excellent game with minor flaws, but worth playing.
I know A LOT of people like to play King Of Fighters Series, but everyone already knows about them and I don't really want to focus on that series. If you have not heard of it, play one of its many titles a couple of times. KoF is fast paced and has many characters and they are all cool looking. Anyways, I hope you learned something from this article and benefitted from it. Thanks for reading!
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