2 Different Ways To Make Money Online
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Hello, everyone! Today I will be discussing the two main ways a person can make money online. Both these ways are legitimate and require no money. This just means you won't end up using your credit card to make $550/day. Yes, there was a scam in a newspaper, that read, "Make $550 A Day!". Of course, it is a fake. They say you need to put in $50 before you start. I am sorry to say people actually did it. Anyways, the two online ways are; Blogging OR Data Entry Clerk. Let's start with blogging. A blog needs to have a interesting topic that people find amusing and useful. When people read your blog post, you want them to think, wow what a great blog. To do that, you need to find what people want and how you are going to write it up. For instance, say people like money, I make a post about how to make money! But, to make that post about money, I need to make it either thorough and detailed or short and sweet. In my case, I am kind of in the middle of long and sweet. A blog also needs a simple design. No complicated pictures with dazzling GIF images and flash videos all over the place. You want to keep it simple, yet intelligent. So, just pick the most simplest layout there is in the choices of a layout. If you are making a website, you will notice that some do not offer layout designs. That means you will have to create your own design, which is a bit harder. It would be easier if you were a web developer. If you are a web developer, I hope you are reading this for fun only. Anyways, the point is a blog needs some juicy topics, and the way they are written should be fabulous too. Nobody reads a blog with the same words over and over again. That pretty much sums up blogging. On to Data Entry Clerk. This requires a bachelor's degree. Plain and simple. if the company you are applying asks for experience, forget about it. Unless they are desperate, they won't hire you instantly. The main things they ask are, typed words per minute, experience if any, and degree. If you are too desperate and decide to LIE on your resume, please do not. Lying will get you no where and will destroy your conscience. The point of DEC is, that you need to hammer away at those keyboard keys fast. And I mean REAL FAST. You type like your life depends on it. Well, it technically can, you need money for food. So, the 2nd option is more likely if you are fast typer. BUT, beware, typing fast is good, but if you don't type with 100% accuracy, you are finished. And I mean finished. 60% accuracy will get you no where! Mostly employers will ask for at least 45 WPM and 100% accuracy. Get those and some experience and you've got the job! So, there are your two ways of making money online. Oh, I forgot to mention something. Data Entry Clerk can be done from home as well. That is what makes it a #1 job for some people. Good Luck in making your money! Thanks for reading!
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