Super Nintendo is THE BEST!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Recently, with all the new so called 'video' game systems coming out, it seems people have forgotten what video games actually are. Video games are supposed to be challenging but also fun. Those new fake video game systems are too easy and, honestly, are quite sad. So, I'd like everyone to remember the 'Golden Ages'. Yes, the time of the Super Nintendo! Super Nintendo is a MUST own console. If you never played it, get one! Buy one, auction for it, GET IT! If you can't, use Google. The list of superb games for Super Nintendo is a pretty long one, so I will just name a few titles that are very known.

Super Mario World - Some say it is the best Mario game ever. I think it is, but you could compare it with Super Mario 3.

Chrono Trigger - My favorite RPG game on the Snes. (besides Zelda) The music is great, the battle system is unbelievable. I say it could compete with Final Fantasy I. Overall rating 5/5!

Zelda: Link To The Past - Another one of my favorites, the main thing that makes this RPG pretty cool is the use of different weapons. Bombs, arrows, boomerang, it's all there! The dungeons though were kind of easy, but that could be just me.

Super Punch-Out! - 2D boxing game that is awesome! Some people had said that there is a transparent glitch, but there isn't. It's supposed to be like that. Anyways, it is a fabulous game! The controls are simple, you can customize them the way you like to. There's a button for the Super Punch or Rapid Punch, which is cool. The character designs are colorful and bright. The characters also look like cartoons and most of the time cheat while boxing. 10/10 Rating for this Gem.

Super Metroid - My brother bought this one and never actually played it, so I did. At first, it was it seemed like a scary game. Repeating beeping noises, no enemies in sight, alone in the beginning. The atmoshpere is frightening at first. The bosses are great, just how they should be; Big, evil, cool. There many equips you acquire throughout the game, like rockets, grapple hook and two new suits. 10/10 Rating Again!

In conclusion, this post is to tell you all; Do not forget the past of video games, because without them we wouldn't have future video games. So, if possible get a Super Nintendo or any other classic console and play. Play like you're playing for your life. Yes, Life.


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